SEO Keyword Research Services for Australian Businesses



The importance of having an efficient and effective SEO Keyword Research strategy can be easily understood from research done by Ahrefs in 2020. According to them, 1.8 million new pages are published on Google every 24 hours. Out of these, 90.63% of them get zero traffic from Google. This means that if you have to be seen and recognized, you must be among the special 10% content.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a process used by millions of online businesses to increase their organic visibility for search engines. In simpler terms, Organic Visibility refers to the true relevance of a web page to the entered keywords. It determines the importance of your content that is listed among millions of other pages.

SEO has become essential when it comes to digital marketing. If you wish to be found and searched for, your business website needs to be in the top few pages of search engines. Even that isn’t enough. According to a recent survey, out of 4 million Google search results, only 0.63% of people go to the second page. This means that when it comes to being on top, your brand has to be among those listed on the first SERP Page. If you’re not among them, chances are that you’ll probably never be found.

In this blog, we will be talking about SEO Keyword Research Services for Australian Businesses. Along with this, we will also discuss some points regarding maximizing your business’s SEO potential.

Reaching Your Australia SEO Potential with Keyword Research 



Your SEO Keyword Research strategy has the biggest hand in your digital success. As of 2023, Australia has become the 13th largest market when it comes to eCommerce. It is estimated that by the end of 2023, it will have a revenue of US$43,206.7 million. With this level of competition ahead of you, you need to do anything and everything if you want to see your business among the leading brands.

Today, we will be talking about SEO Keyword Research Services and how you can achieve the maximum out of your keyword strategy. To do this, we will be talking about certain aspects that play an important role in maximizing your SEO potential through it.

  • Optimize Your Content: The first thing that will attract your customers is the right keywords. These keywords can only be found on your website if you write your content with keeping your target audience in mind. According to Internet Live Stats, 2022, there are over 99,000 searches on Google in a single second. Out of them, only 0.0008% of keywords get more than 100,000 searches monthly. This means, 94.74% of keywords only receive 10 monthly searches or fewer. This means it is essential for you to continuously check your content and eliminate all outdated data. Never publish figures of over 12 months. Keep your content relevant and up to date.
  • Structure Content Worthy of Featured Snippets: Featured Snippets are those boxes appearing on top of every search where the most relevant part of content takes priority. This can be achieved by adding the most searched and relevant keywords and facts to your page. They are very useful and they are known to outperform regular search listings and collect 42% of the total click share. Out of the readers who choose to click on them, 30% of them did so because of their informative content. Having them will help you understand your visitors better. Through these, you can easily trace their footsteps and understand their needs by studying what they do when they land on your page. With you having better keywords, it is a high possibility that your content will be seen as more relevant and written by experts.
  • Backlinks From Authority Sites: Backlinks are a popular way to analyze the popularity of your business website. Using the right keywords in your website and providing them with relevant backlinks can go a long way. This process includes Implementing, managing, and analyzing them to have a better and more effective SEO strategy. Despite being an essential step, 94% of the content found on the internet isn’t backlinked. Most businesses find this process a challenging aspect and therefore 60% of businesses prefer to have an expert when it comes to handling this segment. According to research conducted, it is found that ideal content between 3,000 and 7,000 words should have 77.2% or more backlinks in it. This will help you get more organic traffic and will increase your chances of coming in the top searches.
  • Optimizing Images: Optimizing Images is the process of maintaining the quality of the images on your webpage. Naming your images requires specific types of keywords. Oftentimes, the quality of your image is the reason behind your visitors. Most of the users decide to stay on your page due to the selection and relevance of the images of your content. It is an essential step to choose the best-suited image size. Having a heavy image size will affect the loading of your web page. The key is to reduce your image size to a level where you won’t be compromising its quality. To gain more audience, make sure to use relevant keywords as your file name. Your image dimensions and product angles should be selected by keeping the quality of your website in mind. We will help you choose the best possible images to suit your SEO strategy.
  • Having Mobile-Friendly Website: There are 5.44 billion mobile users in the world. By 2026, Australia alone is expected to have around 19.9 million smartphone users. Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lifestyles and 70% of web traffic is generated through them. One thing common in top-ranked websites is that 80% of them are mobile-friendly. Most people prefer to engage with businesses having mobile websites and apps that are easy to navigate. Having one for your business is highly beneficial as it will boost your sales and conversions. It will help your customers and encourage them to interact with you. This way you will get suggestions to improve your business transactions. The best way to make your site user-friendly is by having a larger text size, touch-friendly buttons and page elements, and a faster download rate. We will help you organize your website in a manner that will be hassle-free.
  • Decrease Your Load Time: Your website loading speed matters as it has the potential to make or break your web success. It is noted that web pages that take more than two seconds to lead face a 38% bounce rate. This means that even a second of difference can stop you from appearing among top-rated sites. Readers scrolling through the internet have a short attention span and if your website is taking around 10 seconds to load, you’re in trouble. Most of the users avoid these sites and, likely, will never visit them again. This phenomenon affects leading sites as well. For instance, when Yahoo decreased its loading time by just 0.4 seconds, its traffic increased by 9%. The reciprocal of this is faced by The BBC. According to various reports, this website loses an additional 10% of users for every delayed second. Therefore, SEO Keyword Research Services will help you make sure that your website is functioning to its best potential.
  • Tracking Metrics with Google Analytics: Google Analytics is essential for understanding your visitors. The best way to attract potential customers is to attract relevant visitors to your website. Google Analytics is mainly divided into four categories. The audience identifies the kind of visitors you attract. The acquisition is used to detect how your visitors land on your website. Behavior, explains what your customers are doing once they reach your landing page. And, Conversions, to see if your visitors are behaving in a manner you desire them to be. As of 2023, more than 50% of businesses are taking advantage of this process. Google Analytics offers a wide range of services including tracking of your traffic, your users’ behavior, and conversion rates.
  • Internal Linking: Internal Linking is essential for search engines to connect your content. This helps in giving Google an idea of the structure of your website. Interlinking is important to help you get your desired rank on the internet. It is said to be a link from a particular page of your website that connects your audience to other relevant pages. Despite being a vital part of SEO strategy, you need to be careful when it comes to using them. Overusing them will eventually distract your readers and it will affect your bounce rate. On average, your longer content should have at least 3-4 internal links and the rest depends on the type of information you’re providing. We, at Rankingeek, will help to manage the perfect balance of interlinking that will help your website’s ranking in the long run.

What Do You Mean by Australia SEO Keyword Research?



Australia’s list of most expensive keywords includes Lawyer, Workers Comp, and Insurance. These words generate $46.25, $23.14, and $22.62 average CPC respectively.

The best way to have an efficient SEO strategy is to have adequate keywords on your website. Relevant Keywords play an important role in determining the amount of traffic your website will receive. Do you know that 94.74% of keywords only get around 10 monthly searches only? This indicates that you must choose your content wisely and structure your content that surrounds and revolves around the heavy and most searched keywords.

There are only 0.0008% of keywords that get around 100,000 monthly searches. Make sure that your content writer knows the latest keywords circling the web. For instance, Facebook is the most searched keyword as of yet. After that comes, Youtube, Amazon, and then Weather. The most efficient way of finding your keywords is understanding your audience. Think about what your visitors are looking for and the words they constantly use.

Choose the most used keywords when it comes to your topic and use them wisely. Don’t overdo them as it can become highly tedious to read one word again and again. The key is to not overdo it but also don’t leave your readers searching for more. You cannot always rely on the search volume of keywords as sometimes it is better to use terms with lower search volume as there is a high chance of the readers looking for them. This will put you in a situation that is far less competitive which can give you a huge advantage.

Types of Keywords

Four types of Keywords decide the success rate of your website’s content. To understand the needs of your customers, we will help in choosing the most relevant and the most widely used keywords.

1. Informational: These are in the form of queries on search engines. Viewers who prefer these types of keywords are generally looking for the easiest route to find information. You can make them noticeable by introducing them as big headline numbers.

2. Navigational: This is used by viewers seeking specific sites and information. These refer to long-tail keywords that are used to land on a desired webpage. These readers don’t prefer to scroll through numerous dates and numbers and prefer stuff easily handled.

3. Commercial: These are found when it comes to queries related to brands and services. These are the most common types used by businesses Kl across the globe. These are generally used by customers and potential clients either looking to buy something or merely educating themselves.

4. Transactional: These keywords work as indicators of your potential sales. This indicates the reader’s intent to buy something or their wish to visit your website. There are numerous ways to identify them including searching your competitors, analyzing and structuring a list of combined keywords, etc.




To put this all in one go, SEO Keyword Research Services are the key to content success. Selecting and using the most relevant and most used keywords will not only increase your organic traffic but will also lower your website’s bounce rate. The best way to choose a keyword is by understanding the needs of your audience. Once you have discovered the focal point of your content, all you need to do is figure out ways to apply it in your content.

The basic elements of every important keyword are its Search volume and relevancy. Search volume is the average number of times that particular word has been searched. In a month, Google receives around 89.3 billion searches. Then comes the relevancy. To see if the word is relevant to your content, you need to know the demand of your audience. One word has multiple meanings and it can be written in numerous ways. We will help you find the most used one and will help in using it on your website.

To make your website rank higher, our keyword regards services will make sure that your content consists of maximum head keywords. These keywords are words and phrases that have the highest search volume.  They will help your business get more traffic and will help you compete in the digital world. We will not only focus on search volume. With us, you will get to know the importance of long-tail keywords as well. These keywords are phrases and words that don’t have much search volume but are equally important for your website. With them, you can easily become the top-ranking website. Since they don’t have to face much competition, it is easier to become the best data provider in their range of content.

Appoint us today and enjoy your digital marketing journey without any stress and under expert supervision.

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