Web Development Services: Tailor-made for Tech Companies

The Tech industry is the most fast-growing industry with various types of companies and deals in complex systems. Some examples of tech companies include Value-Added Resellers (VARs), Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), Managed Services Providers (MSPs), and many more.

According to WebFX, the do-it-yourself platforms for web development in the cloud costs $24 billion in the US at the current time. With the increasing demands and advancements in the tech industry, these companies require the best website development services for their growth. They require a website that is apt for all of their digital marketing needs.

The website is the main platform for attracting customers and growing their business fastly. The tech companies use the website as an important asset to carry out their business among other competitors. Let’s dive into the details of the website development services here.

What are Web Development Services?

Web Development Services are helpful in creating all different types of web-based software that gives an amazing experience to all web users.

The process of web application development services includes web designing and also website development. At other times, it also includes e-commerce website designing, software development, web apps, and custom web development.

Web development also involves many professionals for various phases like UX designers, UI designers, front-end developers, and back-end developers.

Now, we are going to next discuss why a technical website is needed for businesses by tech companies.

Why a Tech Website is Needed?

The website is primarily required by tech companies for generating leads and increasing their sales.

The requirement of the website is usually for the purpose of implementing digital marketing strategies. A website acts as the main location for potential customers to visit and get to know about the company. The products and services can be displayed on the official website of the company with all the necessary technical features.

The website also consists of communication functioning that is capable of attracting possible leads or potential customers. Then they lead to an increased number of sales of the business. This is the main objective of any business even non-technical companies.

Although, the main objective of creating a website varies on the type of tech company for which it is required. For instance, for the ISV, the website should incorporate the B2B products and services for promotional purposes, on the other hand, a website for MSP should include details related to their services and explain their benefit also in the B2C market.

Elements of a Tech Website

Technical websites need some crucial elements, especially in comparison to other normal websites. These elements should be added during the process of custom web development. Besides this, the technical websites consist of all the basic pages like other normal websites including:

Home Page


Let’s learn some tips about what a technical website should be containing here.

1. Uniform Website Branding for Building Your Brand’s Image  

The website is responsible for representing the online image of your technology company. The website should be able to do branding of your company and create your brand’s image through website branding.

Here, by branding, we mean the look and feel of the website, including the visual elements like colors and the fonts used in the website should be uniform. This will maintain a brand image through regular website design that users can relate to every time they visit. It will also differentiate you from other competitors.

For this, the website developers can choose one of the primary font families and around two to three secondary font families. They should use the primary font in the headlines and the secondary fonts should be used in the body text and other elements of the websites including menus and buttons.

The font and the colors that are used in the websites hold importance in the development process. For instance, you should ask the web developer to use limited colors consistently on the website. This way, it will lead to your company’s branding and give the website tackiness.

To resolve which colors to be used, you can use a color palette generator and make a custom palette that can suit your brand image. You can hire a web development services company that can guide you perfectly in selecting colors and fonts matching your brand’s image.

2. Make Your Website Mobile-responsive            

According to stats as per HubSpot, 73.1% of web designers think that non-responsive design is the topmost cause for online users to leave any website.

The website should be of a responsive design such that it adjusts according to the size of the screen on which the users are viewing it like mobile devices, tablets, and others. According to stats as per Review42, 70% of the web traffic comes from mobile devices. This shows that the website should be able to fit into the size of a mobile phone screen as there are more mobile phone users nowadays.

Due to this reason, a mobile-first website design approach is becoming more popular. For this, the website is first created according to the mobile device and later converted to desktop. This approach is very useful in the times now that people use mobile phones more than other devices.

3. Fast Page Loading Speed of the Website

The page loading speed is a crucial aspect of building and optimizing the website. According to the stats as per Portent (2019), the beginning five seconds of loading the page affects the conversion rate most.

The website can be optimized with the help of a few things that you can follow through, like reducing the size of your images and videos, optimizing the coding of the website, comprising the files of your website, making use of the content delivery network (CDN), and allowing the caching.

At last, you can test the speed of your website with the help of the PageSpeed Insights tool of Google and enhance it accordingly. You can hire a web development services company for optimizing your website as well.

4. Make Your Website Navigation User-Friendly

The website should be designed such that the navigation is user-friendly meaning easy to navigate and use. Users only choose to stay on those websites which are easy to use and leave those which they feel are complicated.

The primary thing that users see is the menu on your website. If the users are able to understand it properly, they will continue navigating through your website. The menu should be designed such that users can find and reach their destination on your website without searching about it.

Another thing to keep in mind while developing the website is to keep its navigation consistent throughout all the pages. When your website consists of lots of pages then, add drop-drown menus for keeping all the information organized.

You can follow through with suggestions for website navigation like maintaining the navigation easy to use, keeping your navigation consistent across all the pages of your website, adding a drop-down menu for organizing your content on your website, and also, testing your website with the help of various users. Finally, don’t forget to install suitable security on your website and also maintain them up to date.

5. An Insightful Structure of the Pages of the Websites

When there are many parts within your website, the content should be divided into H-tags with various sub-headings. This approach is very much loved by Google itself and readers also love them while surfing through various websites.

The H-tags are basically the headlines of the various sections of the content that is displayed on your websites. These headings can go from one to six levels and helps in defining the structure of the website. These headlines will assist readers in understanding the content properly.

Besides this, the structured data is very useful in performing SEO as well. This also assists Google in understanding the content of your website and also all of the pages.

6. Representing Good Quality Content That is Related to the Target Customers  

For attracting the right web users that can become your customer, you need to add good quality content to your website. It is crucial that the work is related to the target customers’ interests. Not just this, the content should be sales-oriented and generate more leads.

The content on your website should also include the usage of related keywords that will optimize your website pages. Besides this, maintain the content on your website to be unique and that it is of the reader’s main interest.

7. Include Precise Call-to-Actions (CTAS) on Your Website     

The Call-to-Actions (CTAS) is basically a button or a link that is displayed on the website for the viewers to take action. Some of the common examples of CTA are the button representing add to cart for the shoppers, or the form submit button.

The purpose of this is usually to guide the customers to take the next action. Always make sure that the CTAs are easily visible and clickable. It’s good to keep them as much as short as possible. Not just this, add them on each and every page of your website.

8. Add Attractive Images and Photography to your Website   

The tech websites require attractive images that could hold the viewers for a longer time. They should learn about your company and get involved in the products and services of their liking.

The websites that are easily loadable and likable by the viewers are often able to keep them stay longer versus those websites which are not pleasing to their eyes. The images should be used related to the products and services offered by the Tech companies. Sometimes, they also include photography of real people and environments in their services. This photography can make users trust them more.

All the images should be of high quality and used in such a way that they target the customers directly. The selection of the images is sometimes difficult and in that, a professional web development services company can help you.

9. Add the Contact Details that can be Easily Accessed on your Website   

The basic information and contact details should be accessed by all the viewers. The technology website design should include the address of the company, phone number, and email address. Besides this, you can also ask your web developer to add a live chat or messaging option.

The contact details can be added to the header or footer of every page of your website. Also, you can add a separate contact us page specifying all the details in one place.


To conclude our discussion about web development services for tech companies, we will say that this process looks easy but is difficult to implement. That is why you can choose to work with a qualified web development services company who are experienced in designing or developing tech websites.

Their web development practices can help you get more traffic and eventually more leads. Also, they can do custom web development that includes all of the features that your company is looking for. Their website developers are familiar with the best SEO practices that are currently being used.

One such company that is specialized in web development work in Delhi NCR is Rankingeek. So, contact us here to learn more about our web development services.

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